I already filed my FAFSA. Am I done?
NO! Once your FAFSA is filed, it is then sent to the colleges you listed on your application. Then the school must request additional documentation. If you have not received correspondence from us after 14 days from filing, please contact Financial Aid to complete your file.
I sat out a semester. Am I off financial suspension?
No. Unlike, the academic side, regulations state that financial aid is based on cumulative completion and GPA calculations. This means sitting out does not affect your suspension. If you come back in one year or ten years, you will still be on suspension until you complete courses to bring up your completion rates.
I am receiving aid. Why do I still have a balance?
First check with the Financial Aid Department to make sure your file is complete. Next, during the first 2 weeks of a regular semester, students can change their schedules. Due to this, financial aid cannot begin processing awards until after the 11th day of enrollment when hours and charges lock. Financial aid processing begins the 3rd or 4th week of a semester. If you have any concerns about your account after this period, please contact us.
I already have a degree. Will Pell Grant cover another one?
Please come visit with us. Pell grant will pay for 150% of a program. In most instances, this is not enough to cover a second degree. Please come see us and we will manually calculate this to determine if you are eligible.
I received an Award Letter. What do I need to do?
The award letter lets you know that your file is complete and that you have been awarded. It is based on full time (12+ hours) enrollment. You have been sent a copy for your records. You do not need to do anything unless you wish to decline the award in which case, you must inform us at once.
I do not live with my parents and I support myself. Can I file my FAFSA alone?
Federal Regulations state that unless a student is 24 or older, married, has children or dependents they support, are currently serving or a veteran of the US Armed Forces, are an emancipated minor, in legal guardianship, or a ward of the court, or if both of your parents are deceased, they must report parental information regardless of living arrangements, tax filing, or income.
Who is my parent for FAFSA purposes?
Unless a student meets the qualifications of an independent student, for FAFSA, students use their biological parent regardless of living arrangements. If a relative has custody of you, you still must obtain and use biological parent information. If you have questions about your specific situation, please contact us.
When will my refund be ready?
To check for a refund, login to the portal, click 'Student', click 'My Financial Account', and click "View Account Details & History". When your financial aid is processed, it will say "A/R refund check" with a date. That date is the day you can pick up your check in the Business Office.
Why have I not received any information on a student loan?
ANC does not participate in the Federal student loan program. Please contact our office for information on other funding opportunities.
Am I required to file FAFSA?
Every student, although not required, is strongly encouraged to file a FAFSA Application. Many forms of aid are dependent upon this FAFSA information.
What is the cost of attendance on my award letter?
Cost of Attendance is a figure used to provide students an estimate of all living costs during a year. This includes tuition, housing, books, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses that are specified by Federal regulations. You do not owe this entire amount to the college.
What is a deferment?
A deferment allows you to charge eligible expenses to your ANC student account (i.e. tuition, fees, and/or books). This will also keep you from being dropped from classes. You can check your account on Campus Connect to see if you have a deferment posted.
Can a married person's tax filing status be head of household?
According to IRS tax regulations, a married person cannot file head of household. If you or a parent has done this in error, you will need to amend your taxes to the correct filing status of "married filing joint" or "married filing separate." Married individuals who file separate returns must include both incomes on the FAFSA.
Are all programs Title IV Pell eligible?
No. Unfortunately, programs less than 16 credit hours are not Pell Grant eligible. Don't worry though, we have other options to assist you! Please reach out to us for a list of resources.