ANC Library
Adams/Vines Building
8:00am - 4:30pm
Opened in 1993, our library supports the instructional programs of Arkansas Northeastern College by providing learning resources for students and faculty as well as to members of our community. The ANC Library is staffed with personnel who help to access and obtain educational materials.
The library's collection includes books, electronic journals and databases, nursing periodicals, and local newspapers. The online databases — EBSCO, ProQuest, Credo Reference Online, and Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center — offer students access to newspaper articles, reference books, and journals which may be used for research. The library also offers digital magazines through Flipster.
Desktop computers are also located in the library. They are linked to printers and are equipped to provide internet access, as well as access to Microsoft Office.
The library is a member in the Online Computer Library Center system. The interlibrary loans available to the library through OCLC offers the ability to borrow resources from other libraries when needed.
The library also offers private study rooms which are suitable for either individuals or groups.
The Arkansas Northeastern College online bookstore also has a physical location on campus where you can order textbooks and pick them up when they arrive. It's a valuable resource for any questions you may have.
Bookstore Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm