Course Delivery at Arkansas Northeastern College:
These are Face-to-Face classes that are the traditionally offered live, in-person classes.
These are Internet classes that are totally online courses that you attend at the time most convenient for you.
Hybrid courses have elements of in-person and distance education and meet appropriate credit hour requirements through a combination of these modalities. Students taking hybrid courses should expect to attend some learning sessions on campus as well as complete portions of the course online.
Other approved recommendations:
Classes will be listed as two-day a week classes with the understanding that only one day will be for live meetings.
Meeting one day per week face-to-face is the expectation for faculty teaching hybrid courses.
All online and hybrid courses are required to make use of discussion forum assignments on the LMS to promote sustained interaction and foster an engaging classroom environment.
Visit our full Community Education page!
The Community Education department at Arkansas Northeastern College is a non-credit, lifelong learning program that meets the changing needs of the community. Educational opportunities are continually developed and offered for citizens of all ages for a reasonable cost. These courses are include dance, cooking, computer classes, and a wide variety of other offerings.