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Financial Opportunities are Available!

At Arkansas Northeastern College, we're dedicated to helping students achieve their educational goals with a variety of scholarships. Whether it's Early College Program scholarships, the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship, ANC Board of Trustees Scholarship, privately funded ANC Foundation scholarships, or the Great River Promise, we offer diverse opportunities to support your academic journey. Explore our scholarships and let us help you turn your aspirations into reality.

ANC Early College Programs Scholarships
ANC Foundation Scholarships
ANC Board of Trustees Scholarship
Great River Promise
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship
Teacher with Students - Stock.jpg

Over 50 privately funded scholarships are available through the ANC Foundation

Ray   |  ANC Mascot





Arkansas students enrolled in all Mississippi, Greene, and Craighead County high schools, as well as East Poinsett County High School.

Missouri students enrolled in all Pemiscot, Dunklin, and New Madrid County high schools.


  • Reduces tuition and fee costs to $25/credit hour for up to 6 hours of concurrent credit per semester.

  • Applies to all online and/or live ANC course offerings (with the exception of college preparatory classes).

  • Students taking more than 6 credit hours per semester will be assessed at ANC's regular tuition and fee rate.

  • The Early College scholarship DOES NOT cover the cost of textbooks for courses that do require textbooks, those can be purchased through the ANC Bookstore.


Reach out to your Early College advisor or Career Coach to discuss this opportunity.




Arkansas students enrolled in all Mississippi County high schools, including Buffalo Island Central High School.

Missouri students enrolled in all Pemiscot, Dunklin, and New Madrid County high schools.


  • Requires that students be able to complete the Certificate of General Studies, or beyond, by the final term of their high school senior year.

  • Reduces tuition to a cost of only $10/credit hour for up to 15 credit hours per semester.

  • Covers up to $100/course for books/mandatory supplies (limited to actual cost) purchased through the ANC Bookstore.

  • Participating students and their parents must agree to participate in 2 Nucor/ANC events hosted at ANC occurring (1) near the end of the student's first year in the program, and (2) near the end of the student's senior year.

  • The Nucor Diploma² Scholarship is available on a first come, first served basis with priority given to students already in the Nucor Diploma² Scholarship Program.


Reach out to your Early College advisor or Career Coach to discuss this opportunity.




The Board of Trustees Academic Scholarship is awarded to students in recognition of outstanding high school performance.  Students must be graduates of a public high school in Arkansas or a graduate of a public high school in Pemiscot, Dunklin, or New Madrid counties in Missouri and rank in the top 10% of their high school graduating class or have a composite score of 24 or above on the ACT.  The scholarship pays current in-county tuition and mandatory fees for a total of 64 semester hours or completion of the required credits in any program having a total hour requirement greater than 64.  The scholarship will be continued for a maximum period of three (3) years, providing the recipient makes satisfactory academic progress toward a degree, remains continuously enrolled and maintains a semester GPA of 3.0.  If the student transfers to another institution prior to completing degree work at ANC, the scholarship will not be offered during future enrollment periods.  The scholarship must be initiated during the immediate summer, fall, or spring term following high school graduation.  Board of Trustees Academic Scholarships are extended to GED high school equivalency certificate/diploma adults who have high scores and are recommended by the staff of Adult Education.


Students do not apply for this scholarship.  It is awarded based on the information available within the details.



The Board of Trustees Technical Scholarship is given to students in recognition of performance in a technical or vocational field while in high school.  The scholarship pays in-county tuition and mandatory fees for a total of 35 credit hours or completion of the required credits in a certificate program.  Eligible students must be graduates of an accredited public high school in Arkansas or in Dunklin, Pemiscot, or New Madrid counties in Missouri.  Students must be recommended for the scholarship by a high school counselor, a high school vocational/occupational instructor, or the ANC Technical Center Director.  Eligibility will be for one academic year or continued for the period of time required to complete the chosen certificate program, providing the recipient remains continuously enrolled, makes satisfactory progress toward the certificate, and maintains a minimum 2.5 GPA each term.  The scholarship must be activated during the immediate summer or fall semester following graduation from a public high school.  The award of the Technical Scholarship does not mean automatic admission into special programs.  Scholarship students interested in one of the College's special admissions programs should contact an advisor in the occupational field.


Students do not apply for this scholarship.  It is awarded based on the information available within the details.




The Great River Promise Scholarship provides an opportunity to every high school graduate in Mississippi County and Buffalo Island Central to receive a tuition and mandatory fees scholarship to ANC.  Students must earn a high school diploma, maintain a 95% attendance record throughout high school and have no drug or alcohol offenses to qualify.  This scholarship promotes the idea that students should do their best, stay in school, and avoid the negative temptations sometimes facing them by awarding them the opportunity of a college education.  This scholarship WILL NOT be stacked and will only be awarded after all other sources of aid have been exhausted.  Students are required to file the FAFSA.  If eligible, the scholarship will be continued for a maximum period of three (3) years, providing the recipient makes satisfactory academic progress toward a degree, remains continuously enrolled, and maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.5.  Students must enroll in a minimum of twelve (12) hours for Fall/Spring semesters in order to receive funds.


Students do not apply for this scholarship.  A list is provided to us from the high schools of those who meet the criteria.


The ANC Foundation is a private, 501 (c)(3) tax exempt, nonprofit corporation.  The ANC Foundation provides scholarships to students attending ANC through private contributions.  The College's Foundation, created in 1977, is one of the most successful two-year college foundations in the state.  The Foundation's assets include endowments for scholarships, farmland, facilities, and is directed by a Board of Governors.  Scholarships are constantly being sought and one-time opportunities occur on a regular basis.  Gifts may be made at any time by contacting the Development and College Relations Office.  Memorials and gifts are acknowledged to both the donor and the person or family being honored.


  1. Complete FAFSA Application

  2. Complete ANC Foundation Scholarship Application for the term(s) for which you are applying.
      2024-2025      [ PDF ]   [ ONLINE FORM ]
      2025-2026      [ PDF ]   [ ONLINE FORM ]

  3. Submit application, typed essay and one letter of recommendation to the address on the application.

Because many students have financial issues, the Foundation works closely with both the Financial Aid Office and the Admissions Office to help students remedy these problems.  Awards of various amounts are made by the College Scholarship Committee to students who have demonstrated financial need.


Bonnie Wheeler Davis Memorial Scholarship

The Bonnie Wheeler Davis Memorial Scholarship was established by the family of Ms. Davis after her death in October 2003. It is an endowed scholarship available to students who exemplify need and a desire to earn a college education. Ms. Davis was a supporter of education, and funds from this scholarship can be used toward tuition, fees or books. Recipients can be either full-time or part-time and must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.

Brandon J. Elliott Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by family and friends of Brandon J. Elliott who passed away in 2009 while still a student at Arkansas Northeastern College. Brandon, son of Pastor Jerome & Cassandra Elliott, was active in the community and the College where he is remembered as a caring, giving, and respectful young man. This scholarship is annually funded through fund-drives and gifts to the ANC Foundation. The goal is to offer two $500 scholarships each semester when funds are available. Priority will be given to students who are single parents and students with disabilities. Preference will also be given to students interested in sociology, psychology, nursing and auto mechanics.

Cecil H. Holifield Scholarship

This scholarship was established by friends of Cecil H. Holifield in honor of his many years of service and dedication to Arkansas Northeastern College. This scholarship is available to any full-time or part-time student.

Charles Payne Memorial Scholarship

The family of Charles Henry Payne has established an honorary humanitarian scholarship fund in Rev. Payne's memory.  Mr. Payne was a minister, veteran and retired educator.  The list of accolades for the work he did in his home and community is impressive.  Rev. Payne loved music and was an avid supporter of higher education.  This scholarship is available to full-time and part-time economically challenged students.  Scholarship amounts vary depending upon funds available.

Cohen Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cohen, formerly of Blytheville, endowed a scholarship in memory of his parents, S. J. (Jimmie) and Luba T. Cohen, in 1991. Interest from this fund is used to provide scholarships to Mississippi County residents. This scholarship is open to both full-time and part-time students. This scholarship is awarded from interest received from an endowed fund.

Col. J.M. Crane Memorial Scholarship

The Col. J.M. Crane Memorial Scholarship was established by the family of Col. Crane in recognition of his commitment to higher education and his longtime support of Arkansas Northeastern College. Col. Crane was dedicated to his military career and served for 31 years in the Air Force. He held both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree and was committed to providing educational opportunities in this area through his work as a longtime member of the ANC Foundation Board of Governors. This scholarship pays $1,000 a semester toward tuition, books and fees and is open to ANC students who maintain a 2.5 cumulative G.P.A.

David Mann Memorial Scholarship

Ms. LaVelle Mann established the David Mann Memorial Scholarship in memory of her son. Ms. Mann, a retired teacher, wishes to honor the memory of David, who lost his life in a tragic accident in 1995 at the age of 32, by offering scholarship assistance to single fathers looking to better their lives through education. This scholarship is for men who are enrolled part-time, with 30 or more hours already completed, and who have a minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2.5. Students majoring in education will be given special consideration.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship

Members of the Blytheville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. established a scholarship in June of 2016 through the ANC Foundation to assist local students with gaining a college education.  Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded in 1913 at Howard University and is an organization of college-educated women committed to constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the Black community.  The organization is a sisterhood of predominantly Black, college-educated women.  The sorority currently has 1,000 collegiate and alumnae chapters located in the United States and other countries.  Recipients of the annually funded Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and be Mississippi County residents with preference going to minority females or makes who are majoring in a field/degree of their choice.  They must be full-time students, and the scholarship award is for $500 a year or dependent upon funds available.  The scholarship may be used toward tuition, fees, and/or books.

Dorothy Borschel Jennings Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the family of Ms. Jennings after her death in June, 2003. Because of Ms. Jennings' love of music and her commitment to education, students entering the field of music are given primary consideration for this award. Both full-time and part-time students are eligible for this scholarship which varies in amount.

Dr. Charles C. & Carolyn Brock Scholarship

This scholarship is endowed by a gift from Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brock, Jr. Interest from the endowment provides financial assistance for tuition and books for one student enrolled in the Practical Nursing Department. The recipient will be selected based upon his/her need for the scholarship and his/her desire and ability to become a licensed practical nurse. Residents of Mississippi County will be given preferential consideration.

Dr. Daryl H. Johnson Scholarship

The Dr. Daryl H. Johnson Scholarship was established in 2010 at the time of Dr. Johnson’s 80th Birthday. Dr. Johnson spent 19 years as an educator with ANC and was one of the original faculty members hired by the College at its creation in 1975. He worked to develop the College’s Science department where he taught Biology, Botany, Zoology. He also taught Power Lifting and holds many American and World Records. The scholarship amounts vary depending on funds available.

Dr. Eldon Fairley and Dr. John Williams Scholarship

The Mississippi County Medical Society hereby establishes a scholarship fun to be used for the support of nursing students at Arkansas Northeastern College. This is an unrestricted fund with annual award(s) to be made by the ANC Scholarship Selection Committee--not to exceed $1,000 a year with the goal of awarding two $250 scholarships each fall and spring. These scholarships can be used for the support of tuition, books or other nursing program student expenses.

Dr. King Nunn, III Memorial Scholarship

The King Nunn Memorial Scholarship is a tribute to a man who was ahead of his time, and recipients of this award should set goals to reach, stretch, and lead as he did throughout his life. Dr. Nunn was a charter member of the College’s Board of Trustees. Gifts to the King Nunn Scholarship Fund have enabled the institution to establish an annual award of approximately $500 for each recipient.

Eileen Hagan O'Neal Scholarship

The Eileen Hagan O’Neal Scholarship has been created through a generous donation by Ms. O’Neal. The scholarship was established in honor and memory of Ms. O’Neal’s parents and grandparents. The Hagan’s were early settlers in the Huffman community, having made their home in that area in the early 1900’s. They held a strong belief in the importance of education, and Ms. O’Neal was the first graduate of Armorel High School where she was valedictorian. She has established this scholarship to assist local students in earning a college education. This is an endowed scholarship and anyone wishing to learn more about it or to contribute to this fund can do so by contacting Rachel Gifford at Arkansas Northeastern College at 870-838-2902. Available to graduates of Armorel High School.

George Moore Trimue and Nancy McCauley Trimue Scholarship

It is with great honor that Arkansas Northeastern College recognizes the late George Moore and Nancy McCauley Trimue for the lasting contribution that they have left to our College and its students. The Trimues purchased a 1,500 acre farm near Frenchman’s Bayou in the early sixties, not long before Mr. Trimue’s death on October 26, 1964. His wife, Nancy, stayed on their plantation in Frenchman’s Bayou for several years managing the farm before returning to her childhood hometown of Blytheville and closer to her dear friend Helen Armstrong Miller. Ms. Trimue succumbed to the complications of a stroke and passed away on March 1, 2001, at the age of 82. It was her desire to help people long after her death; therefore, she bequeathed her farm to Arkansas Northeastern College with the request that the College establish a scholarship in her family’s name that could benefit many students throughout the future of Arkansas Northeastern College.

Harold & Bruce Ohlendorf Scholarship

This scholarship, made possible through the Ohlendorf family, is an annually funded scholarship providing assistance to students who are graduates of Osceola High School.  Recipients must take a minimum of 12 hours per semester to be eligible for this scholarship.  Award sizes vary and can be used for tuition and/or books.

Hoskins-Whitener Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Ms. Mildred Whitener of Cooter and her family through the donation of 40 acres of farmland. The proceeds from this farm will be used to fund at least one scholarship each semester in the amount of $500 to any Cooter High School graduate. The recipients must maintain a 2.5 G.P.A.

Hospital Gift Shoppe Auxiliary Scholarship

The Hospital Gift Shoppe Auxiliary Scholarship was established in July of 2008 by the Great River Medical Center Gift Shoppe volunteers. This scholarship is an annual gift made possible through proceeds made in the hospital gift shop. The scholarship amount is $1,500 a semester for both fall and spring and may be awarded in full to one recipient or in part to several recipients. It is the intent of the hospital gift shop volunteers to assist in the education of nurses for this area. The scholarship is available to first and second year Associate Degree Nursing students who reside in Mississippi County.

Jeannetta Briggs Memorial Scholarship

Dale Briggs established this scholarship in memory of his wife Jeannetta. Mrs. Briggs was born in Kansas and moved to Blytheville when she was six years old where she lived until her death at the age of 70. Mrs. Briggs had a love of music and studied the fine arts in college having majored in organ and minored in piano. This is an endowed scholarship awarded on an annual basis. It is available to any Arkansas Northeastern College student with preference being given to music majors.

Jim Grimes Memorial Scholarship

This endowed scholarship fund will be available to ANC students with preferential consideration going to those living within the city limits of Blytheville. The scholarship is named in memory of former Blytheville resident Jim Grimes. This endowment was made possible through the planned gift by Marie Grimes who passed away on December 1, 2009. Ms. Grimes was a longtime resident of Blytheville where she was a retired office clerk of Entergy and a member of the North Tenth Street Baptist Church. Mrs. Grimes lost her husband, Benny, to cancer in 1962 when he was only 39 years old. Because of her husband’s death, someone told her that her son would no longer be able to attend college. This statement, and her commitment to education, motivated her to prove the opposite and she worked to provide for her son’s college. Her son Jim was a graduate of Blytheville High School later earned an engineering degree from the University of Arkansas. At the time of his death, he was an engineer for Raytheon Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas. Sadly, Jim passed away unexpectedly on August 20, 2001, at the age of 54. Because of Ms. Grimes’ efforts and her understanding of the importance of education, it was her wish to help others who might have financial barriers to attending college. She left this gift to the Arkansas Northeastern College Foundation as a lasting tribute to her son who was able to find success in both his educational and career endeavors.

Johnny W. Nutt Memorial Scholarship

The Johnny W. Nutt Memorial Scholarship was established in 1999 by the Chickasawba Masonic Lodge #134 in memory of one of their late member, Johnny Nutt. The scholarship provides $250 a semester, while funding continues, to a full-time or part-time student with at least a 2.5 G.P.A. and selected by the College’s Scholarship Committee.

Johnston Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established in 1976 as a memorial to Robert K. and Blanche Johnston, former Blytheville Water Company owners, by their son, Robert C. Johnston. This fund has helped many individuals. It is an endowed fund which earns interest used to provide funds for students in the Blytheville area and was the first privately funded scholarship at this institution.

Judge Graham Partlow Honorary Scholarship

The Judge Graham Partlow Honorary Scholarship was established in 2002 by friends of Judge Partlow. Approximately $15,000 was raised and endowed for this scholarship through a fund-raiser in Judge Partlow’s honor and other community support. Interest from this fund is used to provide scholarships to full-time and/or part-time students who maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. Scholarship amounts vary depending on funds available.

Kagome Creative Foods, Inc. Scholarship

This scholarship was established through an endowment given by Kagome Creative Foods, Inc. in 2007. Students working toward a technical, industrial, or manufacturing education, who maintain a minimum 2.5 G.P.A., are eligible for this scholarship. Special emphasis will be given to students interested in industrial maintenance, technical support or employment in the food industry. This scholarship is for $750 per semester with part-time students receiving a prorated amount.

L.D. and Reedie Harris Scholarship

Upon his retirement from Arkansas Northeastern College as Director of Special Projects in 1993, Mr. L.D. Harris announced the establishment of the endowed L.D. and Reedie Harris Scholarship. Both Mr. and Mrs. Harris have had a lifelong interest in education and wanted to continue to be involved by having a part in helping somebody get an education who otherwise would not have the opportunity. This scholarship is available to any student who needs financial assistance. This scholarship is awarded from interest received from an endowed fund.

Lindsey Ohlendorf Fairley Scholarship

The Lindsey Ohlendorf Fairley Scholarship is an endowed fund which was established in 1991 following Mr. Fairley’s death. Mr. Fairley’s memory is honored through this scholarship opportunity. Eligible students may be full-time or part-time students and must maintain a minimum 2.5 G.P.A. Scholarship amounts vary and can be utilized toward tuition, books, fees, and travel. This scholarship is awarded from interest received from an endowed fund.

Loretta Smith Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2008 by the Blytheville ESA Chapter in memory of Loretta Smith. Smith was a member of the ESA Sorority and a nursing student at ANC at the time of her death. This scholarship is designated for two awards of $500 each annually to any students enrolled in the field of Allied Health. The scholarship can cover tuition, fees, and/or books.

Judge David and Sonja Burnett Scholarship

Details coming soon.

Chris A. Hardy Memorial Scholarship

The Chris A. Hardy Memorial Scholarship has been established by the family of Chris Hardy in October 2024 to honor his memory and support deserving students in need of financial assistance. Chris, who passed away far too young, was a devoted son, father, brother, and friend to many. His family was deeply touched by the compassionate care Chris received from his nurses, which highlighted the importance of skilled and caring healthcare professionals. This experience inspired the family to support the development of future nurses through this scholarship.

Chris was working in the field of industrial maintenance at the time of his passing, and his family also wishes to recognize students pursuing careers in this field. As such, the scholarship gives priority to students accepted into the associate degree nursing (RN) or practical nursing (LPN) programs, with secondary consideration given to those pursuing industrial maintenance.

This endowed scholarship will be awarded once the fund generates enough interest to cover full tuition and fees for one student each year (fall and spring). The principal amount will remain intact, ensuring that the scholarship can continue in perpetuity. The scholarship amount and number of recipients may vary based on the interest generated and any additional contributions.

Recipients must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and may be enrolled as either full-time or part-time students. Anyone wishing to contribute to the Chris A. Hardy Scholarship Fund may do so by contacting Rachel Gifford at 870-838-2902,, or donating directly online at

Martha Ann Moore Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is established in memory of Ms. Martha Ann Moore who passed away in October, 2013. Ms. Moore was a life-long educator who loved working with students. She was an English Instructor at Arkansas Northeastern College for many years. This is a fluctuating fund with scholarship amounts depending upon funds available. This scholarship is open to ANC students who maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average. Funds are available to both full-time and part-time students and can be used toward books, fees, and/or tuition.

Marvel B. Dickerson/ANC Recruitment Grant

This is an annually funded scholarship in the amount of $500. Eligible applicants must be female students who are planning to enter the teaching field and must maintain a minimum 2.5 G.P.A.

Nelson Nursing Scholarship

The Nelson Nursing Scholarship sponsored by the late R. A. and Mary Blanche Nelson assists individuals as they pursue the nursing profession. The development of the College for this area and a quality nursing program inspired the Nelsons to establish this award. Either part- time or full-time students are eligible. The number of scholarships awarded will vary and depend upon the course load of the recipients and the number of students qualifying. Recipients must be accepted for enrollment, or currently enrolled in the R.N. nursing program.

Newcomb Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was previously named for Blan Newcomb the son of Guy and Evelyn Jean Newcomb. He died in a tragic fire in 1979, at the age of 21. Later, after the death of Guy Newcomb in 1985, the scholarship name was changed to the Newcomb Scholarship to commemorate both Blan and Guy. Guy Newcomb served on the College’s Board of Trustees for seven years. In 1982, he accepted an active role as a member of the Board of Governors of the College’s Foundation. This scholarship can be used toward tuition, books, required fees and may include an expense allowance. Children of employees of Mississippi County school districts are eligible. Students from Osceola and Rivercrest will be given preferential consideration.

Paul C. Hughes Scholarship

The Paul C. Hughes Scholarship is an endowed fund which will provide interest each year to fund a scholarship annually. The initial contribution to this fund was a gift from the Mid-South Grain Growers Association in appreciation of his 40 years of service as Secretary-Treasurer of that organization. Additional donations have been received, and following Mr. Hughes’ death in 1999, an annually funded scholarship established by the children of Paul and Corina Hughes in their parents’ honor was merged with the Paul C. Hughes Scholarship. The late Mr. Hughes was an outstanding community leader and served on the College’s Board of Trustees for many years.  

Prentice Joy Colston Memorial Scholarship

The Prentice Joy Colston Memorial Scholarship was established in the summer of 2019 by Mrs. Colston's family.  Mrs. Prentice Joy Colston was born in Blytheville, Arkansas, to Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Coleman on October 24, 1937.  Joy was raised in Blytheville and attended Blytheville Public Schools.  She married her high school sweetheart William E. Colston, both graduates of Blytheville High School class of 1955.  They moved several times over the years but moved back to Blytheville because it was always home.  She was a loving Christian, wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.  Joy passed away on April 16, 2019, after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's.  It is the desire of Mrs. Colston's family to pay tribute to her memory through an annual scholarship award of $500 each semester (Fall & Spring) to a student(s) in one of ANC's Nursing Programs.  Qualified students must be accepted in either the Associate Degree Nursing (RN) Program or the Practical Nursing (LPN) Program and must maintain a cumulative 2.5 grade point average.  Funds may be used toward tuition, fees, and/or books, up to $1,000 per year, and are available to both full-time and part-time students.  Applicants must follow the general application process.

Ruth and Acton Holmes Scholarship

This scholarship is established in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Acton Holmes by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bush. This is an endowed fund which will provide funding on an annual basis and can be utilized by either part-time or full-time students. It is primarily intended for part-time students with strong educational drive and financial need. Special consideration is given to single parents.

Savannah Paige Pollock Memorial Scholarship

The Savannah Paige Pollock Memorial Scholarship was established by friends and family of “Paige” following her death in 1995 and will be a part of the ANC Foundation’s scholarship opportunities beginning fall 2009. Paige had ambitions of becoming a nurse and had been accepted into a nursing program prior to her death. The Savannah Paige Pollock Memorial Scholarship pays tribute to her life and is to second-year nursing students at Arkansas Northeastern College. Scholarship amount will not exceed $500 for the final semester of an associate degree nursing student, and applicants must follow the general application process.

Sharon Wingo Churchill Scholarship

The Sharon Wingo Churchill Scholarship was established through the estate of Joe Churchill. This endowed scholarship was created in memory of Mr. Churchill’s wife who preceded him in death. Mr. Churchill was a longtime friend of the College and had been active in many fund raising events for the Foundation. In his final months of life, he initiated this scholarship which will honor Sharon Wingo Churchill and serve future students. Special consideration is given to students enrolled in the R.N. nursing program. This scholarship is awarded from interest received from an endowed fund.

Sims Family Memorial Scholarship

The family of James M. Sims, Anna Lois Sims, and Edward “Jerry” Sims established this scholarship in their memory. James “Marcus” Sims was the youngest of Mrs. Sims’ three children. He was an outstanding scholar throughout his academic career. He briefly attended medical school. He died prematurely in 1994 at the age of 40. Mrs. Sims was born into a family of 10, with her father serving as a rural school teacher, farmer and postman. She was an avid supporter of higher education throughout her life. Edward G. Sims was a successful business man and devoted father. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the European Theater with the U.S. Army Air Force. These scholarships may vary in amount with special consideration being given to students entering the field of business.

Temple Israel Scholarship

Following the closing of the Temple Israel Synagogue in Blytheville, the trustees donated $120,000 to the ANC Foundation to be endowed for scholarships. Interest from the endowment is used to fund $300 scholarships to two graduating high school students from each of the represented Temple Israel communities: Blytheville, Osceola, Hayti, Kennett, and Caruthersville. Students must maintain a 2.5 G.P.A.

Thank You RN's Scholarship

The THANK YOU RN’s scholarship was established by David and Sallye Russell in May of 2015 to honor the many nurses who cared for them during a long hospital stay by Ms. Russell. With personal and thoughtful care of her many nurses, Ms. Russell overcame a life-threatening illness and she and her husband established this scholarship to help others pursuing the nursing field. This scholarship will be funded annually and is available to two students, up to $500 each, per semester. Scholarship funds can be used toward tuition, books, fees, and/or any nursing expense. Recipients must be women enrolled in ANC's RN program with preference going to full-time students from Mississippi County. Recipients must maintain a 2.5 cumulative G.P.A.

Tom and Jane Miller Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Miller had strong interests in horticulture and the arts, devoting much of their lives to both disciplines. Their endowed gift is used for scholarships with emphasis on the horticulture and music programs. Tom and Jane believed in the opportunities offered by the College. The College is appreciative to be the recipient of a gift which fulfills the Millers’ wishes of richer lives for students and the community.

Trimue Pathways Travel Stipend

This travel stipend is made possible through the generosity of the late George Moore and Nancy McCauley Trimue who bequeathed their farm to ANC for the expressed purpose of providing needed assistance to students living in Mississippi County. Proceeds from the Trimue farm rental will be used to fund approximately $100,000 annually in travel/gas vouchers for students from Mississippi County enrolling in the following certificate programs: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Automotive Service Technology, Child Development Associate, Clerical Support, Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Technician, Aviation Maintenance, General Industry, and Welding. With a limited number of vouchers available, funding is offered on a first-come, first-served basis and students must meet with their advisors weekly and maintain satisfactory academic progress in their classes to maintain eligibility.

Wayne Taylor Memorial Scholarship

The late Wayne Taylor, who served on the ANC Foundation Board of Governors, was instrumental in the creation of the Annual Big Lake Scholarship Golf Tournament. He served on the tournament planning committee from the beginning and worked at all of the tournaments as well as personally contributing by sponsoring a tee-box each year. Mr. Taylor passed away in August of 2004, and the ANC Foundation changed the name of this scholarship to honor his memory and to recognize his dedication and contributions to Arkansas Northeastern College. This scholarship is funded through proceeds raised from an annual golf tournament held at the Manila Big Lake Country Club. Students eligible for this scholarship must be from the Buffalo Island area or the Bootheel of Missouri and may be full- time or part-time students and must maintain a minimum 2.5 G.P.A. each semester. This scholarship is awarded by the College’s Scholarship Committee with the number of recipients dependent upon available funds.

Yamato-Kogyo Scholarship

This scholarship is funded through an annual gift from Yamato-Kogyo Ltd. and proceeds raised from an annual golf tournament. Funds raised annually total approximately $15,000 and are awarded by the College’s Scholarship Committee. Approximately 20-40 students receive assistance from this fund each semester.

Miscellaneous Scholarships

Other individuals provide funding on an annual basis for scholarships which are not endowed.


A number of scholarships and tuition waivers are provided to recognize academically gifted students, students with special abilities, and students who meet specific criteria as designated by the ANC Board of Trustees or the Arkansas State Legislature.  Students interested in these awards should complete the required application forms available in the Financial Aid Office on the Financial Aid site.

Priority Deadline: April 15th

ACT 188 Scholarship

Act 188 provides tuition and mandatory fees for any student whose parent was an Arkansas resident and was either killed in active duty, missing in action, or was a P.O.W.

ACT 291 Scholarship

Provides students who are State Police Officers, Wildlife Officers, State Capitol Police, and their dependents with reduced college tuition at a rate equal to employees of the institution.  The officers/police must have been employed by their respective employers for at least 10 years.

ACT 678 Scholarship

Any person aged 60 or older who is admitted and enrolled is entitled to free tuition and mandatory fees while attending the College.  Any person qualified for this scholarship should notify the Financial Aid Office.  This scholarship does not cover specific fees associated with a particular course or tuition for courses taken as audit.

Career Jump Start Scholarship

For students without a recognized high school diploma or GED.  Student must attend 4 hours per week of adult education instruction toward GED to be eligible for the scholarship.

Families of Full-Time ANC Employees

Fee waivers may be granted to the employee's immediate family for registration in all college credit classes.  Immediate family is defined as spouse and dependent children.  Dependency is defined as "meeting the definition of dependency according to IRS regulations."  A maximum of 62 semester hours will be waived.  The waiver is administered by the Financial Aid Office.

Mississippi County Public School Teachers Fee Waiver

ANC is authorized to waive in-county cost of tuition and mandatory fees for certified full-time teaching personnel of the Mississippi County Public School Districts, the Buffalo Island Central School District and the public school districts in Pemiscot, Dunklin, and New Madrid counties in Missouri.  The waiver of fees is not to exceed a total of four credit hours for each regular semester and may not be used for physical education activity courses.  Waivers may be used for credit classes only.  Summer applicants must have a signed contract for the subsequent academic year to be an eligible recipient.  The Financial Aid Office administers the waiver through the superintendents of the designated school districts.

Scholarship Waiver for Police & Correctional Officers

The College is authorized to scholarship the tuition for certain full-time Mississippi County law enforcement employees enrolling in the College's Criminal Justice degree program.  Such a scholarship is available to full-time personnel of Mississippi County, any of the County's municipalities, Arkansas Department of Community Correction employees, or Troop C of the Arkansas State Police.  The applicable scholarship is limited to the total credit hour requirement (as published by the College) necessary for the completion of the Associate of Applied Science degree in criminal justice.  This scholarship is limited to a maximum enrollment of six credit hours during each major semester (fall and spring) annually and three credit hours during each summer term.  The scholarship is for tuition at the applicable in-county rate only and does not include fees.  The scholarship shall be continued providing the student makes satisfactory progress toward a degree and maintains a satisfactory level of academic achievement.

Scholarships in Fine Arts

The College will award Fine Arts scholarships for gifted students to simulate Fine Arts Activities.  The recipients of these awards will be selected by the Dean of Arts and Sciences upon recommendation of faculty in the respective areas.  The major area of study is open to any student enrolled in any type of Fine Arts course with the course prefix of MU, AR, or TH.  Interested students should contact the Dean for Arts and Sciences for more information.

Moving Mississippi County Forward Scholarship

This scholarship was established by NEA Green, LLC in the summer of 2023 to cover full tuition for a full-time student each year.  Preference will be given to graduating seniors, but other non-traditional candidates may be considered.  Funds can be used for any course of study and recipients must maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA.  This is an annually funded scholarship that will be awarded as long as funds are available.

Patterson Opportunity Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a $15,000 gift from Tim and Christie Patterson in December 2021 as their way of "giving  back" for their opportunities and to help students in need. Mr. Patterson is a Manager and engineer in the steel industry.  Ms. Patterson, who is a graduate of Arkansas Northeastern College and Chairman of the ANC Foundation Board of Governors, is a banker. They wish to give preference to applicants majoring in Steel Technology, Engineering, or Business. Because the Pattersons recognize the importance of education and training, they are awarding up to $1,000 each fall and spring semester. Students may be full-time or part-time and must maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative G.P.A.

The Peggy Kenner Memorial Scholarship


The Peggy Kenner Memorial Scholarship has been established by the family of Peggy Kenner, this August, on the one year anniversary of her death. The Peggy Kenner Memorial Scholarship honors her legacy and dedication to nursing and the community. Peggy enjoyed a fulfilling career as a nurse and even served as a part-time, clinical instructor at Arkansas Northeastern College (ANC). She was deeply cherished for her kindness, generosity, and many positive traits. Known for her infectious personality and genuine care for others, Peggy made a lasting impact on everyone she encountered. To honor her legacy, this scholarship is open to Associate Degree Nursing students or Practical Nursing students at ANC who maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. This is an annually funded scholarship, with award amounts determined by the availability of funds. Eligible students are encouraged to apply through the general scholarship application process. Anyone wishing to contribute to this scholarship may contact Rachel Gifford at 870-838-2902 or to make a tax deductible donation.

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